Hosting and Amends
You are free to host the site yourself.
Another developer can work on the site so long as it is within the terms of the license.
- Linux (it will run on Windows in theory but is not tested on that OS)
- Apache web server
- PHP 5.6+ (7.0+ with OPcache enabled recommended)
- MySQL 5.6+
cubed™ CMS framework is designed and developed by me but the following wonderful open source technologies help make it work.
- Container dependency injection container
- Chartist dynamic charts
- CKEditor WYSIWYG editing
- Code Mirror online code editing
- Date Time Picker date and time picking
- Cropper image cropping, rotation and resizing
- Dropzone drag-and-drop file uploads
- DOM PDF PDF generation
- Intervention Image image manipulating
- jQuery faster, simpler JavaScript
- Magnific Popup lightbox
- Onoff on/off switch
- Parsedown markdown parser
- PHP Fast Cache caching
- Select2 customised selects
- Stripe API Stripe integration
- Swift Mailer email sending
- Tipso custom tooltips
- Vue.js JS framework
- Vueify transpiling Vue.js
- Vue Router single page Vue.js applications