If you wish to make sales online, making you company as easy to contact as possible is essential. This might seem an obvious point but it is often overlooked. Here are five simple ways to make your company easier to contact online.
Don’t hide your phone and email
Plaster your email and phone number all over your website, in large bold type. Also, include contact details for specific members of your team (E.g. account managers, customer services).
Use Skype
Skype is widely use these days. When you create a Skype account you can easily integrate it into your website so people can call or chat with you direct from your contact page.
Use online chat
For a relatively inexpensive monthly fee, you can add a hosted live chat feature on your site. During your chosen office hours, people can click the chat button and it pops up a window where they can talk direct with your team.
Use Google Maps
Google Maps is very simple and easy to use. Create a map of your office for anyone that may visit and embed it on your website.
Add staff photos
People like to put a name to a face. Even if you or your team don’t like the idea of having their mugshots on the “About Us” page, you should do it anyway. People are more likely to get in touch.
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