When generating a token for things like authentication it is important you do not use functions like rand()
, uniqid()
and mt_rand()
since they are not cryptographically secure.
This function below allows you to generate cryptographically secure tokens to a given length in bits, bytes or characters.
function generateSecureToken($length, $lengthType) {
// Work out byte length
switch($lengthType) {
case 'bits':
$byteLength = ceil($length / 8);
case 'bytes':
$byteLength = $length;
case 'chars':
$byteLength = $length / 2; // In hex one char = 4 bits, i.e. 2 chars per byte
return false;
// Try getting a cryptographically secure token
$token = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($byteLength);
if ($token !== false) {
return bin2hex($token);
else {
// openssl_random_pseudo_bytes failed
return false;
var_dump(generateSecureToken(128, 'bits')); // string(32) "19e25e5adc713560728587beab0208c6" (128-bit)
var_dump(generateSecureToken(16, 'bytes')); // string(32) "a5b60494f76f9cd5587cdd7a8ef26de7" (16 bytes)
var_dump(generateSecureToken(16, 'chars')); // string(16) "5136faabb5c7d144" (16 characters)
var_dump(generateSecureToken(128, 'invalid type')); // bool(false)
Tim Bennett is a web designer and developer. He has a First Class Honours degree in Computing from
Leeds Metropolitan University and currently runs his own one-man web design company, Texelate.