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I wrote a guest post for

It’s the raison d’être for any designer to make things look pretty—and web designers are no different. I started my design career as a web designer almost ten years ago—a long time in Internet years. Before I went freelance I had a number of jobs that exposed me to all the facets of producing websites: design, development, Internet marketing, SEO, copyrighting, etc. When I got my first job in web design, ‘design’ was all I thought about. Yet now looking back, I’ve realised there a few things every designer should consider when building a website—things I certainly never considered back then. I wouldn’t say these things are more important than the design; rather that the design should be used to compliment and support these things.

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Tim Bennett is a Leeds-based web designer from Yorkshire. He has a First Class Honours degree in Computing from Leeds Metropolitan University and currently runs his own one-man web design company, Texelate.